Thursday, October 8, 2009

Be a Domestic Goddess

My sister has a friend who is fabulous. She came to our house for Christmas one year and my mom wrapped all her presents in blue and white wrapping paper decorated with little silver menorahs. Maybe that sounds strange, but it wasn't because she was Jewish.

At some point, she told my mom and sister that a woman should always wear a tiara when vacuuming. See? Fabulous. Keeping this bit of information in the back of her mind, my mom eventually bought us each a tiara (there was a bridal store going out of business and she got them for 80% off). I actually have a picture of my mom in sweats and an over-sized Redskins jersey changing bedsheets while wearing a I will not be posting out of kindness to my mother.

Think about this for a minute. How could you not feel wonderful while wearing a tiara? It has the magical ability to make you feel lighter and happier. You can do your chores while you float around the house with the graceful movements of a Disney princess!

The point I'm trying to make here is that housekeeping is a fact of life. It cannot be ignored (or it can, but I don't want to hear about that), so why not make it more fun and make yourself feel lovelier in the process?


Heidi Marie said...

This is fantastic!! I am totally going to buy me some kind of awesome tiara. I love it. Thanks for the advice. :D I'm excited for my husbands reaction when he sees me doing the dishes and scrubbing the tub with a beautiful tiara. :D

Torie said...

I have a tiara! Your sister's friend is a genius. That would make any job better.

laurenthequeen said...

She also brought dad some fabulous bacon and to this day he can't remember her name, so he refers to her as "your jewish friend that brings me bacon".

Miss Shana is the best!

Megs said...

Hahaha. Although the feminist in me rebels against this a little, the part of me that thinks it's hilarious to put a cute apron over a dress and put on pearls does not. I'm definitely supportive of the idea of making it more fun to do things you have to do anyway. Tiaras = the epitome of fun. (Or the epiphany, right Miri?)

Lin said...

Megs - I certainly hope it's not against the ways of feminism to look and feel feminine...especially in an effort to liven up icky, boring chores. If it is then I think I fail.

Lauren - Hahaha! I can't believe I forgot about the bacon. That really makes her even more fabulous.

Megs said...

Oh, of course not. The part that wears pearls and dances around the kitchen totally wins out - especially because I don't feel compelled to wear them or dance. :) Besides, I think the word "Goddess" says it all, doesn't it? Yes. If I had a tiara, I would be wearing it today whilst rubbing pork butt with salt and liquid smoke. It's such beautiful, pleasant irony, isn't it?

Lin said...

I so wish you had a tiara to wear while rubbing pork butt and a twitter account so you could say "I'm wearing a tiara and rubbing pork butt." Most interesting imaginary tweet of my week.

Also, dancing isn't required in this situation for the magic of the tiara (and/or apron) to work, which makes you very happy I am sure.

sld said...

Awww! you guys are awesome! thank you for saying such nice things about me... kinda needed it today. Mmmmmmwah!

Linda Winegar said...

on my Christmas list is now... a tiara! I absolutely love this idea, can't believe I have been doing those things without one this whole time. I've been robbed! I am soooo getting one and not the kind from the mall. a real one! well...i sure hope a bridal store closes down somewhere. LOL thanks for this fantabulous idea!