Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reasons for a Winter Wedding

If I get married, I think I’ll have to be sure it’s in winter. (FYI, this is not happening anytime soon that I’m aware of, folks, so stop your girly squealing.)

     A. I love my friends, and I love supporting them as they mark important chapters in their lives.
     B. I also like having a summer where I get to do what I want to do when I want to do it (i.e. have a weekend at home doing laundry, cleaning, and wearing pajamas for 2 days in a row).
     C. Sometimes A. gets in the way of B.

It is wedding season folks. That’s right, the time of year when you don’t say “no” to anyone with a rock on their left ring finger because you know (or at least hope) that this is the only time they will be getting married, and they’re already stressed enough, and it is a big deal, and you darn well better be there to support them (and also because you want to be there to support them).

Remember my post about hating winter? I’m starting to reconsider. Not because of the freezing temperatures. Nothing will make me love those. But maybe having a reason to celebrate (after the holiday rush) would make me hate winter just a little less. (But only a little.)

And so I give you, in no particular order, my reasons for considering winter an ideal-ish wedding season:

  • As mentioned above, winter kind of sucks. Any reason to feel more upbeat in winter is welcome--so get hitched, and have a reason to celebrate! 
  • Winter weddings are far less common. After the last 10 years of having tons of summer weddings, I’m thinking our friends and family deserve a break from highly scheduled summer travel and gift-buying.  I feel the stress of saying “whose wedding are we going to next weekend?” and “wait, what did we get them again?” and “how do they expect me not to sweat through my clothing if it is an outdoor ceremony in JULY?”
  • An excuse to have a honeymoon (and subsequent anniversary) getaway(s) to somewhere warm? Um, that would be amazeballs. 
  • Off-season pricing for wedding venues--how many golf courses are charging full price in January? The same is true of gowns, right? When do new “seasons” come out for bridal gown designs? You’re bound to get a deal. 
  • Snow is reflective. Your photographer won’t even need those silver shiny disc things to get great pictures--the snow will do it for them!
  • Humidity be gone! Curls stay better, deodorant works better, and can we say sweat? Sweet! 
  • If someone passes out at the wedding, it’s not from the heat; it’s from their beverage choices, and you can kind of control what’s available to prevent that from happening. The heat, however, is not something that can be controlled. 
  • No need to worry about tan lines for your dress. You can go pale, because winter is the season of paleness. (For me, however, that season is all year ‘round.) Or you can just toss on a sweater or shawl over your shoulders. 
  • Permission to hibernate after the wedding. Winter = plenty of snuggle time with you and your new contractually-bonded partner. 

When do you think is the ideal time for wedding celebrations?


Jill said...

I love my February anniversary. I never wanted to get married in the winter, but after it worked out that way it really is the best. Another bonus for anyone who is less than enthusiastic about Valentine's Day- you can pretty much replace it with your anniversary if the two are close enough (as ours is) which has turned out to be a lovely alternative to one of my least favorite holidays!

Lin said...

I've always been partial to the fall for similar reasons. It's generally beautiful outside and the allergies haven't started full swing (compared to spring time), you can get by without a coat, and sometimes you can be blessed with an overcast, but not rainy day, so that your pictures have a nice, natural filter. :) Also, you can still celebrate somewhere tropical and feel like you are getting away. I'd love to aim for September/October, myself, but would definitely put February second on that list.