Monday, March 1, 2010

Constantly Trying to Figure Things Out

Of the three writers of this blog, I am not usually the one who knows what has been happening on NPR, but there's a first time for everything!

"Can you tell your life story in exactly six words?"

It's a short story about six-word memoirs and the book, It All Changed in an Instant. It isn't easy coming up with just six words that encompass your whole life. Do you go funny or serious? Do you try to focus on one defining moment or event in your life or keep it general? It feels like you shouldn't have to think about it so much. It's just six words, right? Easy.

Or not. It's six words that tell your life story. Maybe I'm just over dramatic. Either way, I'd love if you Lovely Readers tried it out and shared your six-word memoir with us.


Heidi Totten said...

I loved. I danced. I sang. :)

Heidi Marie said...

Oh my heck this is so hard! I've sat here for at least 5 minutes trying to figure it out... I'll have to get back to you on that. :D

Meg said...

Utah or Indiana? England. Always England.

mkgs said...

So much I want to do...

Melissa said...

I was loved. I gave love.

Wait no...

I love Ham and Cheese sandwiches.

Yes. The second one.

Lin said...

Ah! I love all of these! I want to just keep on writing more for myself. But first, I would have to steal Megan's and slightly modify it:

Where to go? England. Always England.

Mostly because that applies to me, I'm just not choosing between Utah and Indiana. :)

Krilafis said...

I, not events, make me happy.

Lis said...

Jeremy, family, friends, religion, books, music.

It's more of a list than a sentence, but that's a big sum up of my life.

mkgs said...

Lindsey's original one applies to me pretty well too.