Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw


mkgs said...

I like this... and I disagree at the same time. I think there are elements of both. There are things you discover about yourself as you go along, and there are things you have to consciously develop. Of course, the point is that you take control of your own destiny, that you can choose what to make of yourself regardless of what anyone else says, and that is wonderfully true. But for me, finding myself is a part of creating myself. It isn't necessarily one or the other.

Meg said...

I think you're right. I also think this is maybe a jab at the people who sit around waiting to find themselves instead of going out and doing something, you know? (I'm picturing rich kids who take a year off to find themselves. Is this from watching too much Veronica Mars? Maybe.) I think sometimes our society places too much emphasis on the more passive idea of finding yourself and not enough on the idea that what we do will determine who we actually become. That said, I've definitely found that sometimes I have to take a step back to figure out what I want and who I am before I take action willy-nilly. Perhaps it's about the discovery that comes with the creation process?

mkgs said...

Yes, absolutely, and I think you're right about the intent of the quote. Finding isn't actually a passive concept; to find something you generally have to be looking for it.