Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Put on a Happy Face


mkgs said...

Haha... Legally Blonde?

I love the idea of starting a snail mail correspondence with a friend. I've been planning on doing that with my nieces, who aren't old enough yet to have Facebook and email and texting--and besides, if I don't, there is a very real chance they will never write an actual letter in their lives. I think this is important.

Also, in reference to the one about posture, from Smart Pretty and Awkward earlier this month:

"How to be Smarter: Make Mondays the day of the week you really work on correcting your posture. Every time you glance at the time today, whether on your cell phone in class or on your computer screen at work, reposition your posture and make sure you are sitting up straight. If you do this enough, it will become habit."

Having good posture is one of those things that can make you feel like a total powerhouse when you do it! It helps you walk more confidently, and THAT helps you feel more confident--like you're strutting down the runway. (I feel like that sounds dumb but it's totally true.)


I liked most of these. Though, the smell of cucumber makes me gag.