Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Forward? Fall Back? Either way, here are some links!

These links are definitely all over the place on the random scale. I blame it on the hour of sleep we lost earlier this week with the time change. Nevertheless, here are some interesting things to check out!

Photographer Chino Otsuka revisited her childhood photos, but instead of just reminiscing she decided to create "double portraits" to bring together her past and present selves. The resulting series, Imagine Finding Me, is captivating!

I found this awesome video through Open Culture, a great resource for high-quality cultural & educational media.  Sometimes they share fantastically random things, like this cool video of tree rings being played on a turntable.

Though I'm not a parent, I do catch myself saying some pretty... unique (strange? ridiculous? all of the above?) things.  I feel like there's not a lot of difference between what camp counselors have to tell their campers, teachers tell their students, and what parents tell their kids (perhaps it's just the duration of responsibility--camp counselors: a few weeks in the summer; teachers: the school day during the school year; parents: the rest of their lives). Either way, this father captures those "parent-isms" in a lovely way with his honest (and hilarious) illustrations.
dad illustrates the darndest things he has ever said to his kids nathan ripperger (10)
There are more images to love at his Etsy store,

My links posts tend to be video-heavy, but how can I resist? If you haven't seen the "Kids React" videos, they're pretty awesome.  Usually they're about some pop-culture event, but this one is about the good ol' rotary phones we (I) grew up with (and can I just say, as someone with lots of 0s and an 8 in my old home phone number, that kid was right. It does sometimes take forever to dial a number).

Here's a moving story of how a teenager surprises the woman who helped him find his adopted family through her work as a newscaster. Absolutely touching!

If you kind of love it when things go perfectly wrong, then I think you'll enjoy this video.

If you feel like smiling like a goon while staring at your computer, then just watch this next video. Seriously. Normally I have a pretty neutral YouTube-watching face, but I realized about halfway through this video that I was smiling like a goon. Enjoy! 

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