Friday, October 4, 2013

The Pigeon is on Twitter: Your Friday Link Post

Okay so I don't really use Twitter and as far as I can tell there's nothing all that special about what he tweets, but I think on principle we should all go follow The Pigeon. Am I right? I mean... I'm pretty sure I am. 

You may have seen this feel-good story floating around about a group of women who spent thirty years on a secret mission no one, not even their husbands and children, knew about. If you haven't, go for it now; it's a great story. 

Here is Today is a visual depiction of time, and it's about as cool as it sounds.

Georama is a trip planner with some great features. To begin with, it asks if you know where you want to go, and you have three options: no (give me recommendations), maybe (help me decide between cities), and yes (find me great fares). You can set your budget, what kind of focus you want—golf, skiing, architecture, art, a honeymoon—what region of the world you want to explore. It looks like a pretty useful tool. 

I already use Grooveshark and Pandora and they both have their merits, but Songza gives you more personalization options and I think that could be useful. If you like finding new ways to listen to music, check it out and see if it's any good. 

A couple months ago, NASA asked people to take pictures of themselves waving to Saturn as Cassini was photographing us from orbit. I wish I'd known about it so I could participate, but it's pretty fun to think about even though I didn't. (Did any of you send in a photo?)

Want to know what fictional character shares your birthday? I hope you get a better one than I did (some guy from Superbad, which I've never seen). 

The Atlas of True Names reveals the etymological roots, or original meanings, of the familiar terms on today's maps of the World, Europe, the British Isles, Canada and the United States. It may or may not be the nerdiest thing on this list. 

... And the answer is, no it isn't. This website lets you pick a language and then shows you all the places in the world where people speak it. This is a game where you try to guess the book based on a word cloud made from its text. And this, the pièce de résistance, is a logic puzzle + geography trivia game + minesweeper (as in, if you get certain questions wrong, all your answers are wiped out and you have to start over). It. is. awesome.

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